The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Using the Questions of What, Why, and How as an Organizing Framework
This paper provides the framing and details of a two-part entrepreneurial mindset symposium that was organized with the following objectives: 1) build a community of entrepreneurial mindset researchers and practitioners, 2) define an entrepreneurial mindset framework, and 3) situate efforts to identify and measure dimensions of the entrepreneurial mindset within that framework. With these objectives, we invited several individuals from a range of institutions to collaborate on addressing the three objectives. As part of the symposium activities, participants created author teams, drafted concept papers, and revised their papers in response to reviewers enlisted as part of the typical review process followed by the Advances in Engineering Education journal. This special issue is comprised of ten, 2500-word concept papers that address topics related to what entrepreneurial mindset is, why an entrepreneurial mindset is important, and how to promote, instill, or assess an entrepreneurial mindset.