Due to its positive results, active learning has spread to most areas of knowledge of Civil Engineering. Many of these studies used only one technique, which is limiting given the diverse learn- ing styles that the students may have. The road geometric design is the area that has been the least explored in Civil engineering. Therefore, the objective of this study is to show the implementation of multiple different active learning techniques in online road geometric design courses. The study shows an iterative implementation of multiple active learning techniques throughout the sequence of the three undergraduate courses in Ecuador. As a result, positive student perception was found from the combination of several active techniques. Each technique, called ‘learning moment’, was distributed weekly and separated from the others. The students gave the courses an average score between 8.34 to 9.06/10. At each learning moment, there were many positive comments and some easily resolved negative ones. The combination of multiple different active learning techniques, shown in this study, can be used in other courses of Civil Engineering, Engineering, or in similar areas of knowledge.
DOI: 10.18260/3-1-1153-36055