From the Editor

Editor, AEE
Senior Associate Dean University of Pittsburgh
This issue features eleven papers spanning a wide range of topics focusing on the freshman to graduate teacher training. At the first-year level papers address a flipped Calculus course, problem-based learning, and experiential learning. In particular:
Hadas Ritz and Lisa Schneider-Bentley in “Collaborative Problem Solving at Chalkboard versus On Paper for First-Year Calculus” introduce a creative twist: switching in-class collaborative problem-solving activities from group work using paper worksheets to group work using sections of the chalkboard/whiteboard as a simple way to improve both the session’s efficiency and the student experience. (Click PDF to continue reading).
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Table of Contents
- Collaborative Problem Solving at Chalkboard vs. On Paper For First-Year Calculus
Hadas Ritz and Lisa Schneider-Bentley - A Project-Based Cornerstone Course in Civil Engineering: Student Perceptions and Identity Development
Jill Marshall, Amit Bhasin, Stephen Boyles, Bernard David, Rachel James, and Anita Patrick - Inquiry-Based Freshman Seminar on “What You Can (or Should Not) Do to End Global Poverty”
William S. Kisaalita - Student Interactions with Online Videos in a Large Hybrid Mechanics of Materials Course
Benjamin Ahn and Devayan D. Bir - Efficacy of a Virtual Teaching Assistant in an Open Laboratory Environment for Electric Circuits
Firdous Saleheen, Zicong Wang, Joseph Picone, Brian P. Butz, and Chang-Hee Won - Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer Learning: Putting Student Projects to Work in Future Classes
Kimberly G. Talley and Shaunna Smith - Using LEGO Kits to Teach Higher Level Problem Solving Skills in System Dynamics: A Case Study
Yi Wu, Charlotte de Vries, and Qi Dunsworth - Self-paced, Active Problem-Solving Using Immediate Feedback (IF-AT; Scratch-off) Forms in Large Classes
Stephanie G. Wettstein - Creating a High Impact Learning Environment for Engineering Technology Students
Wei Zhan, Jyhwen Wang, Manoj Vanajakumari, and Michael D. Johnson - Potential of the CogEx Software Platform to Replace Logbooks in Capstone Design Projects
David Foley, François Charron, and Jean-Sébastien Plante - Green Space Based Learning Model for Repurposing Underutilized Green Spaces within School Campuses
Ryan Locicero and Maya A. Trotz