From the Editor

Editor, AEE
Senior Associate Dean University of Pittsburgh
This is our thirteenth issue – 115 papers published and over 500 submissions. In addition, Prism is now featuring AEE Advances – one-page overviews of important articles in the October and February issues. The vast majority of these papers document a proven “advance” in engineering education, with a few others providing reviews of “advances.” In this way we have stayed true to our goal of publishing a wide range of articles that inform the broader engineering education community concerning methodology, pedagogy, and technology that can be implemented either within or outside of the classroom. In contrast, we have neither sought out nor published articles that primarily describe research studies, leaving those to other journals, especially our much older sister publication, the Journal of Engineering Education. Please see our JEE guest editorial on “boundaries” for a more thorough discussion on this subject…
Table of Contents
- Teaching STEM by Design
Kristen Billiar, Jeanne Hubelbank, Thomas Oliva, Terri Camesano - Instructional Strategies to Promote Student Strategic Thinking When Using SolidWorks
Roxanne Toto, Thomas Colledge, David Frederick, Wik Hung Pung - Preliminary Assessment of the Emporium Model in a Redesigned Engineering Mechanics Course
Masoud Rais-Rohani, Andrew Walters
- Developing Globally Competent Engineering Researchers: Outcomes-based Instructional and Assessment Strategies from the IREE 2010 China Research Abroad Program
Brent K. Jesiek, Yating Haller, Julia Thompson
- An Interactive Virtual Environment for Learning Differential Leveling: Development and Initial Findings
Hazar Dib, Nicoletta Adamo-Villani, Stephen Garver
- Animation Based Learning of Electronic Devices
Aharon Gero, Wishah Zoabi, Nissim Sabag
- The AIChE Concept Warehouse: A Web-based Tool to Promote Concept-based Instruction
Milo D. Koretsky, John L. Falconer, Bill J. Brooks, Debra M. Gilbuena, David L. Silverstein, Christina Smith, Marina Miletic
- Adoption of Technical Innovations: A Case Study of the ASSESS Website
Sarah Brooks, Shane Brown, Denny Davis, Jennifer LeBeau