This paper will present information about the Web site — www.handsonmechanics.com, the process to develop the Web site, the vetting and management process for inclusion of physical models by the faculty at West Point, and how faculty at other institutions can add physical models and participate in the site as it grows. Each physical model has a description of the model, the theoretical background, pictures and/or video of the set-up and use of the demonstration, a parts list (or order location), and building plans, as well as that something extra about where else the physical model can be used, how to elicit greater student insight and bringing drama into the classroom using the model or demonstration. Course assessment data is provided to demonstrate the impact of physical models on student learning.
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Ronald W. Welch
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Texas at Tyler
J. Ledlie Klosky
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
United States Military Academy