AEE and JEE: Where Are the Boundaries? Should There Be Boundaries? Do We Need Boundaries?
JEE – the Journal of Engineering Education – is entering its second century. The Journal began in 1910 as the Bulletin of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, a monthly periodical “devoted to technical education” (ASEE, 2013). Over the years, the Bulletinpublished communications of the professional society and articles on engineering education (subsequently being renamed twice, first as Journal of Engineering Education, 1925–1969, and then as Engineering Education, 1969–1991). In 1991, ASEE announced two separate publications, Prism and Engineering Education; and in 1993 Engineering Education was renamed once more to the Journal of Engineering Education, emerging as ASEE’s “scholarly professional journal.” In 2003, JEE’s mission was redefined to “serve as an archival record of scholarly research in engineering education.” With its current mission, JEE primarily publishes work that results from what Boyer calls “the scholarship of discovery” (1990). This field of engineering education research is best described by Streveler et al. (2007) and Borrego et al. (2007).
In contrast to JEE, Advances in Engineering Education (AEE) is a very new journal. Now just five years old and working on our eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth issues (ten are already published and the eleventh will be online by the time you read this), we are attracting submissions from literally around the world. Further, by that time we will be close to receiving our five hundredth paper. But what is AEE, and how does it differ from JEE?